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Spirituality resources for you

In matters of spiritual life it is necessary to unceasingly evaluate one’s behaviour “in order to make sure if one is not running, or had not run, in vain” (Galatians 2:2). Without sound knowledge founded on Revelation and Tradition, both the Christian individuals as well as their spiritual directors, can never be sure on the authenticity of one’s spiritual journey. They will resemble two blind people guiding each other (cf. Matthew 15:14), both risking to fall into the pit.  Without such knowledge, as Saint John of the Cross explains, Christians “reach the summit much later, expend more effort, and gain less merit… [They] resemble children who kick and cry and struggle to walk by themselves when their mothers want to carry them; in walking by themselves they make no headway, or if they do, it is at a child’s pace” (The Ascent of Mount Carmel, Book 1, Prologue, n. 3). aims to bring together sound knowledge and resources founded on experience, Revelation and Tradition that can facilitate the work of those involved Apostleship of Interior Life.

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